December 23, 2024

Glasgow Standard

News and features from GCU Journalism Students

Your Horoscope for this week

Veritas Vez spells your fortune for this week, with surprises in store…

Aquarius January 21- February 18

The revitalising power of the new moon favours fresh starts and bold changes.

Facing up to your fears is critical to your peace of mind with this in mind confront your annoying co-worker, Maria Kondo your home and open your eyes to your secret admirer …

Pisces February 19- March 20

 Venus, the planet of love and charm means romance is in the air for Pisces!

A relationship is starting to mean more to you than words could possibly express. Pisces are known for wearing their heart on their sleeves so take your time before posting your first of many insufferable Instagram couple posts.

Aries March 21 March – April 20

Venus is Aries’ personal planet of finance and love, and she’s moving into hardworking Capricorn.

Aries loves the thrill of the chase but take a break from flirting and work on those deadlines baby!


Pisces February 19- March 20

 Venus, the planet of love and charm means romance is in the air for Pisces!

A relationship is starting to mean more to you than words could possibly express. Pisces are known for wearing their heart on their sleeves so take your time before posting your first of many insufferable soppy Instagram posts.


Taurus 21 April – May 21Financial planet Mercury becomes sextile with Mars on Thursday, influencing you to treat yourself.

Buy that overpriced soya candle you had your eye on! Buy that artisan doughnut!


Gemini May 22 – June 21

Venus begins a 24-day mission dedicated to bringing a soulmate into your life.

Swipe through Tinder until you match with the love of your life and then ghost them. A part of you seeks eternal love; yet, you have an equal hunger for freedom.


Cancer June 22 – July 22

You feel the moon’s influence strongly as it sets up chances to run your finances in a more efficient way.

Therefore this is the perfect time for you to get into cryptocurrency and avocado on toast.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Changes are necessary on the career front.

Your Leo leadership skills and overbearing ego will come into play when you can see how a situation can be improved when it becomes obvious that nothing is being done about it and only you can save the day.


Libra September 23 – October 23
There is a strong connection between heart and home as Venus sees settled couples to making long term plans.

Now is the time to tell your partner that you want 6 kids in 6 years.


Virgo August 24 – September 22

Mercury will boost your health and work all week, giving you the energy you need to succeed.

Everyone is eager to offer advice but this choice needs to be based on your own convictions. For that reason, you need to relax, push aside your, ignore your haters and do what you want.


Sagittarius November 23 – December 21

The new moon sharpens your mind and creative ideas flow.

Manifest these feelings into your pursuing dreams. Who knows your outdoor pool party company in Siberia could really take off!


Scorpio October 24 – November 22
The strength of Mars in your work chart gives you extra energy.

Don’t be afraid to double cross anyone that gets in your in way, go for that promotion, you’re not here to make friends you’re here to win.


Capricorn December 22 – January 20

 If you’ve been struggling with a work-life balance, relief arrives on Thursday when Mars and Mercury sextile.

Swing yer bra to 80s power ballads as you hand in your final deadline.


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