Young Musicians take to the Royal Conservative of Scotland in competition
Young people from across Scotland will be competing in the Scottish Young Musicians Solo Performer of the Year 2024 on May 26th.
The day will be presented by singer and broadcaster Jamie MacDougall at the Royal Conservative of Scotland.
Audience members can also expect a feature performance by the winning Scottish Young Musicians Ensemble of the Year 2024.
The event will be split into three and will be adjudicated by internationally renowned musicians.
One of the representatives EDC Instrumental Music Service held their very own young musician competition where they chose their winner to perform at the RCS.
Boclair Academy who hosted the competition said: “All the performers were well deserving of the position, we loved listening to the variety of music selected for the competition.”
Violinist and director of Edinburgh International Festival Nicola Benedetti CBE said: “It’s been wonderful to watch Scottish Young Musicians grow to cover almost the entire country and become an important showcase of music education, enhancing music and life in so many young people.”
Each competition and local authority will be allocated tickets for their use. Any remaining tickets will go on sale on Monday 29 April, the day after the final regional heat.